Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Happy Mother's Day................

Sorry this post is a few days late but now that I think about it, a few days late is actually very appropriate for this Mother's Day Hello. As you can tell by my last post, the Lord is continuing a work in my heart. I wondered so many times before Mercy was here, would I REALLY be able to love her like my own? I personally think every inch of Cross is precious, you know that mother feeling, where you can stare at their toenails even for hours. I didn't know how on earth I would feel the same for my sweet girl, who looked nothing like me nor her father, who hadn't spent time in my womb. Well let's just say there are no worries there anymore, NONE. I cannot express to you my love for that girl. Her naked rear end can just about take me straight to heaven. Her little feet, I could sit and rub and kiss them for hours. And when I think of how God gave me a child with the same love language as my very own, it almost makes we want to bawl. When she shakes her rear with rhythm, this mother of many years of dance lessons just wants to squeeze her half to death.

Over and over I have sat and stared at her eyes, her eye lashes even and thought to myself, what if? What if we had said "No God"? Now fast forward or rewind actually. When I was in Ethiopia the first time, a sweet friend from my trip was called to move there and do "full time missions". (That is just a fancy word for really looking like the Word.) Each time I returned I would get to see her and I knew God was doing something big in her life, with her life. I wanted so badly to help, but I knew my home was to be the U.S., at least for now. Then I read this..............

"As I held an orphaned little girl tonight who is 10lbs underweight, I began to sing Jesus Loves Me. She stared in my eyes as I sang and I started thinking about her life. Her last name is X because she has no father, she is malnourished, found in the street, and has a horrible bacterial infection that if went untreated would kill her. As the song was ending her eyes slowly closed as she drifted off to sleep. A peace that passes all understanding was shown through the sweetest smile as she slept. I whispered, "Lord, you are her Father. She does have a name, and you know her by name. You know her life and her destiny. Protect her heart and give her peace." There are 15 other babies with a similar story in this orphanage, and 10 more on the way, and only 3 nannies to care for them. I pray that all who read this would prayerfully consider helping this orphanage financially care for these helpless lives. The nannies LOVE these babies but the funding just isn't there for proper care. You can turn tears of hunger into peaceful nights of sleep, and the longing for someone to just hold you into security and happiness. Will you help an orphan fall asleep in peace tonight?"

and then I saw this............

and this...................

And then I was supposed to go about my day, my week? I was to celebrate Mother's Day, place my children in adorable clothing, and have them dedicated to the Lord during our Mother's Day service at church? How was that supposed to look? You see it is VERY different when you know these people, when you have been to this orphanage, when you have smelled what they are smelling and seen other babies just like the one above. It is easier when you can just come back to the states and put your daughter in cute clothes and pretend like the former never was, but somehow God just did not allow that ignorance to be my reality. As one friend said after seeing all of this, my world is now wrecked and forever wrecked to be real honest.

So Happy Mother's Day, a few days late, because many are still without their forever homes and their forever Mothers. Many will die if the veil of our American Dream is not lifted. Many will suffer if we don't DO SOMETHING, even if it feels like that problem is a million miles away. God has called me to partner with sweet Ashli and Ordinary Hero, the ministry that took me on my first trip to Ethiopia (and allowed the wreckage to begin). He has refused my heart the luxury of denial and I will be coordinating the sending of "troops" this summer to help Ashli and restore this orphanage to literal life and also to coordinate the sending of supplies to make sure that this injustice on life is stopped and stopped for good. Even if it is "just one" orphanage...don't ya think it is worth it. I think it will lead to two, then to three, and prayerfully one day this orphanage will be a training camp to all in Ethiopia to set up some much needed systems to make sure these babies not only survive but thrive until they can be partnered for their own Mother's Day.

So I am asking you today, just as Ashli asked above, will you help? Will you do something?? Some are called to go and some are called to send, some are called to gather supplies and some are called to take them, some are called to pray pray pray pray pray and some are called to move move move and move. He is faithful to show us all what our role is to be, but we have to be willing to surrender our own "plan" for His. I am attaching a link to Ordinary Hero's Blog below where you can read much more, just scroll down to the first post that reads "An Immediate Need in Ethiopia". That is where the story begins. Clarksville will be a post for this orphanage and I am a little lost on where to even begin. But I do know one thing, I HAVE TO DO SOMETHING and I HAVE TO HAVE HELP! If you are not in Clarksville there is still a TON you can do. Just message me if you are on board, if your heart is wrecked as well and we will tackle this thing and make satan wish he had NEVER messed with these babies, with their health, with their parents, or with their God! When you look at these babies don't ask "why God" ask "why-insert your name here-". We are the answer, the hands and feet of Jesus here on this earth, we are His plan, His answer, His solution to the problem!


So Happy Mother's Day!

1 comment:

Justin & Danielle said...

Kel- I admire you so. Let us know what we can do to help. We have been on the waiting list to sponsor through Ordinary hero and haven't gotten our chance yet. Would love to send directly to an orphanage through your efforts. Just tell us how.-Danielle