Saturday, August 23, 2008

The Perfect Day...........

This morning started as anything but perfect, just an average day I would say, nothing horrible, but certainly nothing extraordinary. Jeremy has been working a lot lately in preparation for the fall kick off and as he left the house (again) this morning I loving frowned and asked, “When are you going to be home?” You see, this stay at home mom with more words per day than even the average Chatty Cathy was sad to face another day in predictableville. I found myself folding laundry, day dreaming about my upcoming fall travels, doing something I would so strongly warn against, looking towards tomorrow instead of enjoying today. I did manage to be somewhat of a godly wife and not nag my husband to death. Entertaining me is certainly not his #1 calling, especially after me passing along the Christ Centered Relationship pod casts to the whole reading audience. I need to at least attempt to practice what I preach. After Jeremy left, Cross began to have an honestly uncharacteristic melt down and I thought great, welcome to the weekend. The good news is, I just so happen to serve a good God. One that wants to rock my world yet is lovingly testing my heart on the front end.

Now, several hours later, I have enjoyed a wonderful walk with a friend, had a great conversation with an old neighbor and have now sat down to watch a brand new Bible Study, and then, just as icing on the cake, in the midst of the silent house due to the ever so blessed nap, it began to rain! The window unit air conditioner that Princess Kelly complains about every single day does have one not so modern day feature that is honestly priceless, it is tin. Similar to a rainy day with a tin roof and as I propped my feet up on some pillows and grabbed a blanket I decided I would just go all out and make myself an iced coffee to as closely immolate Heaven on Earth as humanly possible. There is nothing I love more than breaking the seal of a new Bible Study, knowing that I am about to embark on a hand picked, personal adventure with the God of the Universe. Discerning the Voice of God by Pricilla Shirer is my new adventure so I promise to share what I hear. (P.S. I just watched the first video and you MUST, MUST do this study, everyone!)

I just wonder how many of you out there are in need of the perfect day as well? One without the thrills of travel or friends or even family as great as they may be. I wonder if you, like me, just need a day with the Savior of the Universe. The funny part for me is that I didn’t even know that was what I needed. He, unlike husbands and stuff, never tells you to “hold on” and He never leaves you feeling empty in the long run like the thrills this world claims to offer. No, He rocks our worlds with His presence, never ever leaving us hanging.

His Word is our red carpet to this dazzling event. I have been studying like crazy lately and if I could go back, I would only study more. He is still in the life changing and sometimes even better, the day changing business. His Word can be purchased at hundreds of convenient locations. He has sent forth Bible teachers to give us tools that will both practically and educationally keep us on track. Maybe you need to break the seal of a new Word and dive in with full vigor.

I recently closed Stepping UP by Beth Moore and at the end she asked that we pray a blessing over our small group. You all know that in addition to those amazing gals, I was also certainly thinking of you. So to all my favorite friends, here is my blessing to you. Whatever study you did last can certainly apply and if you have never cracked the pages of a B-I-B-L-E (that was me just 5 ½ years ago) well then by all means, jump in while the water is warm, or is it wet??? There are perfect days to be had while we pilgrimage through planet Earth.

May this study have been a mere spoonful of the thousands of gallons you will drench yourself in over the years to come. He (Jesus) is living water and His Word is our well!

Loving you dearly,

Oh, and just to keep you coming back (like M&M’s on the corner of my desk) here are the newest of the cutest. The cell phone captured preciousness! Please forgive the quality. They turned out much better last time. Our camera is on the blink so this is all I have for now! :(

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