Thursday, August 6, 2009

A Date with Jesus!

A few months ago as I planned to enroll Cross in a Parent's Day Out program, I felt the Lord telling me to spend 1 of the 2 days that he attended "school" with Him. I could totally picture what He was saying, me + a coffee shop + a Bible + Jesus. HOWEVER, my ridiculously practical brain ARGUED with the maker of the universe and explained to Him that I would probably need that day to either work or to run errands (as if I know more about my needs than Him). So, I am sad to say that even though the program hasn't started, I haven't put that concept or that request high on my priority list. Instead, during my weekly break from Cross (during the summer I have switched with a friend once a week) I have either worked, volunteered, cleaned, cooked, sewn (just kidding), basically anything and everything other than sitting at the feet of Jesus. With this week's break approaching I had no paying job, no trips to take, no volunteering needed, SO I headed to Borders to catch up on some much needed Jesus time and what do you know.............IT WORKED! Duh, duh, duh, I know. Today, I had a date with Jesus! Who knows why on earth these dates are so few and far between. On the way to my date I heard these words to a praise song I had in the CD player:

My soul can't dance without you
Open up the Heavens Lord, let your Kingdom come to earth!

No wonder my soul had been so clumsy! Please pray for me, pray that I make this time with Him the norm, may it be the expectation instead of the exception and while your at it, try it for yourself! Pack your Bible, some Jesus books, a pen, a journal, and some note cards and head to your favorite hide-out and just let the Spirit lead you into His presence. Go ahead, set up the stage for your soul to dance and watch the Kingdom come to earth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thankful for His grace to push me to get there! For my spirit is willing, but my body is weak!

1 comment:

TeamCleveland said...

I know what you mean girl. I need a Jesus date again soon. So glad you had one!!!