I am so excited about what God is showing me this morning that I couldn’t resist grabbing the computer and writing to all of you. First, let me share with you how my quiet time began. This is similar to my daily experience. I waded through the laundry that needs to be put away, the dishes that needed to be done, the bottles, the child that may or may not be down for a long nap, the empty doggy water bowl and the temptation to text a friend and FINALLY ignored and sat down to start my time with the Lord. So often (well most often) it begins with a sheer act of obedience. I usually have no idea where to begin, I rarely feel very “spiritual” and I usually begin by thinking (just to be honest) is this really going to help. Well, boy was I in for it today! I opened a study that I have been doing on Friday mornings with an amazing group of woman; however, I haven’t always been excited about the study itself. A little too “simple” for my taste. (not to dare say that is a godly attitude, just being honest) After spending months and years with Beth Moore (not literally, just in spirit) really digging in, this tiny paper back didn’t do much to peak my interest but I knew the Lord had led me there and today was a perfect example of how He knows best! Duh, I know, but I am learning.
SO, the study, the scripture was Hebrews 12:1-11. Please, please grab a Bible and read. (Since I know you are online just open a new tab and type the scripture into google.) It will make more sense that way. Well, basically, I don’t get real excited about the verses in the Bible that say things like “consider it pure joy my brothers when you face trails”. I am learning that they produce fruit but it still doesn’t really give me a warm fuzzy but this Bible Study brought in the kind of Hebrews version of this concept and it honestly made me smile. Ok, so maybe I have a heighten sense because I am now a parent, but the whole concept involves the discipline of a parent and the things that stuck out to me like a flashing light were a.) the fact that really good parents are usually the BEST discipliners and obviously have the most unselfish love and b.) It says for us to endure hardships as discipline so discipline isn’t always about sin. So for a.), when I look at moms I want to model, I always love the way they discipline, not like a screaming bull horn but like a controlled, thought through, set of actions to bring about the best character in their children. Also, I look back and one of the things I am most thankful for in my own mother is the way she kept me in check. So, why don’t I respect the Lord all the more for being willing to discipline me, not as a screaming bull horn but as a thought through lover of His children? Why do I always get mad and pout when He keeps me in check? Why do I want that for my own child, but not see how He would want that for me? **Flashing Light, Flashing Light**
Ok, as far as b.) goes, this is where I really got excited. So to endure hardships as disciple, that could be a little confusing but look at it as the Lord being the Heavenly Father that could give us EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING we wanted. That is the key, He is rich in resources, He is rich in health, He is rich in everything! Think of the richest earthly father. One that could materialistically give you anything, one that has the most influences, could get you into any college, any surgeon, any job, anything, BUT, because he was wise, sometimes he chose not to. That is the key to our Father’s discipline. When looking back over my childhood, the mother I respected the most and already model today did just this. She had the resources to buy her children many, many things, but she chose to give them a clothing allowance, a list of jobs they could perform in order to make money, a matching system when they wanted to attend summer camps, water only at restaurants, the list of wise parenting decisions she made are too many to write, but she built work ethic, she built responsibility, she built integrity and had she not, she would have built brats. We’ve all seen it, the parent that thought by giving their children all they wanted they were showing love and we have ALL politely avoided being around those kids (and sometimes now adults) because they were intolerable. Same with God. He loves us alright, much too much to be our magic prayer Jeanie. He loves us enough to say NO! He loves us enough to make life not one big play ground or we too would be intolerable (and honestly sometimes are). So when you are seeing your circumstances, seeing your life, wondering why on earth God doesn’t care, please remember, God disciplines those He loves and obviously that must mean YOU!
Finally, today, I didn’t get a house, I didn’t get at home internet, I didn’t get new clothes, a flat tummy, my dream job, or a date with my husband but I can promise, after hearing a word from my Savior but most amazingly my Friend, I got joy that no money, situation, circumstance or relationship could touch with a ten foot pole (that’s my Tennessee coming out). I was pursued by my King with insight into His “whys”. I was spoken to by the Being that causes this earth to rotate on its axis. Now that my friend is why I waded through the laundry, dishes, distractions and sat down with the Word. It may not always be such a WOW moment, but Jesus please don’t let me take a chance of missing one again!