Sunday, December 30, 2007

Not a super mom........

I have obviously misled some people referring to this Beth Moore study so I MUST come back and clarify! If I were really brave I would take some pictures of the disaster of a house that occurs here often, I would take a picture with me and my raccoon eyes at 4 in the afternoon still in my PJ's and if I really were to get brutally honest I would record myself snapping at my husband because we are both tired and on edge. This parenting thing doesn't fit in ANY box I have attempted to shove it in. We have good days (and nights) and then life hits and we are all crying (even Snick). Oh, and time with God, well 2 out of 3 days it is a goal more than a reality. I have laid down Breaking Free and come to peace with the fact that God has given me the okay because He knows what can and can't be a reality in these precious days of motherhood. I know He called me to do the portion I completed, but I also know this is not something He has given me the grace to complete. A 20 minute quiet time is a realistic goal in this season and Beth Moore studies take more like an hour. God has blessed me an awesome book that I can do at my newborn pace and know that His grace during this season has fully covered me, thank goodness! So, super mom, no way! I don't spend enough QT with Cross as he is growing faster than I can believe. I forget to change his diapers sometimes and as much of a blessing as nursing is, sometimes I think to myself, "again, you have got to be kidding me." I could list a hundred other things I am doing "wrong" but I am going to stand under God's grace instead of satan's blanket of condemnation. I am trying and that I know God is blessing. He knows I want to be a good mommy, a good wife, a good friend, and most of all a good child of His. I think we put way too much pressure on ourselves. His Word says, my yoke is easy and my burden is light. (Mat 11:30) I pray all of you reading are experiencing a light yoke regardless of where you are in life and I pray that I won't make my yoke heavier than God intends for it to be in mine!
In His Grace!

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