Monday, February 9, 2009

All you really want............

Hey everyone, now that I have the internet at home I am able to look at blogs more often than once a week and I find myself getting SO excited when you guys post pictures! I don't care what your kids are even doing, I just like seeing them in action! So I started thinking, you guys may just want the same! I have a blog swirling in my head, but I thought I would butter you up with some pictures for now! Thanks for hanging in there with me when the photos were few! Oh, and please, please e-mail me your blog if you have one. I have lost some addresses along the way so please send me yours so I can oooooohhhh and ahhhhh! 2 disclaimers, these are just random pictures, but I wanted you to help me figure out who you think Cross looks like, me or J...........NOT!!! If I had a penny for every time someone has said "he looks just like his daddy" Cross' college would be paid for already. So, I know, I know, I don't see me in there either, but thank goodness I married such a darn good looking man. Secondly, I just thought I would share this for anyone who doesn't get to see us in person, Cross' hair is REALLY blond. The photos pick up the red, but every time someone sees him that has just seen the blog photos they always comment on his hair. I think we will have a strawberry blond which I LOVE. Jeremy's sister has the most beautiful hair on earth so I think he is going to take after his Aunt Nina! Ok, love you all!

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